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Shown here in all colors with medium green in the center. The regular ring hanlded creamer replaced the original stick handled creamer in the Fall of 1939. Suprisingly there was little to no hand work involved in the production since the creamer was made from a single one piece mold. Examples are not to hard to find, but collectors will want examples in the 1950s colors to complete their sugar and creamer sets since the original stick handled creamer was only made in the first six colors. Medium green will, as usual, be harder to find than the rest.
3" tall x 6" wide from outer edge of handle to front of spout
In the mold mark on the underside bottom HLC logo followed by "fiesta MADE IN U.S.A."
Circa 1939-1960: Made in all eleven original vintage colors. Red discontinued from the end of 1942 until reintroduced in 1959. Replaced the original stick handled creamer.